Text Processing Toolkit

Free online text tool for converting case, cleaning formatting, removing duplicates, and extracting data. Process text securely in your browser with no data sent elsewhere.

CtrlCtrl+ Enter to process

CtrlCtrl + \ last preset

Source Text
Converted Text

Text Processing Presets (82 available)

Add Line Numbers

Adds line numbers to the beginning of each line, useful for code or text references.


Sorts text lines alphabetically, ignoring case.

Alphabetize by Last Name

Sorts a list of names by last name while maintaining original name format.

Alphabetize Categorized List

Alphabetizes items within categories marked by [Category] headers.

Asian Like Font Converter

Converts English text to asian like 下囗几匕.

Capitalize Sentences

Format text for proper capitalization.

Convert Base64

Converts text to base64 or decodes base64 to text. Automatically detects and converts in the appropriate direction.

Convert HTML to Markdown

Convert raw HTML code to Markdown syntax. Works with any HTML content including code pasted from websites.

Convert Text to Leetspeak

Transforms text into hardcore l33t speak

Convert Text to Morse Code (Bidirectional)

Translates text to Morse code or Morse code to text.

Convert to Lowercase

Convert all text to lowercase letters.

Convert to Uppercase

Convert all text to uppercase letters.

Convert XML to HTML

Converts XML format to HTML, preserving structure


Converts CSV data to JSON format, assuming first row contains headers

Decode HTML Entities

Converts HTML entities like " and & to their corresponding characters.

Encode HTML Entities

Converts special characters to HTML entities (e.g., & becomes &)

Extract Capitalized Words

Extracts all words that start with a capital letter. Useful for extracting proper nouns or names from text.

Extract Code Comments

Extracts and preserves only the comments from code, supporting Python, Java, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML comments.

Extract Credit Card Numbers

Extracts and validates credit card numbers.

Extract Dates

Isolate dates in logs or documents.

Extract Domain Names from URLs

Extracts domain names from URLs in the text.

Extract Email Addresses

Finds and lists all email addresses in the text, placing each on a new line. Useful for contact list creation.

Extract Hashtags

Extracts unique hashtags from text, commonly used in social media

Extract IP Addresses

Extracts both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from text

Extract MAC Addresses

Extracts MAC addresses from text and lists them.

Extract Phone Numbers

Extracts phone numbers from text and lists them.

Extract Social Media Handles

Extracts social media handles (@username) from text

Extract URLs

Gather links from text for validation or cataloging.

Format JSON

Pretty prints JSON with proper indentation

Generate Acronym

Creates an acronym from the initial letters of the words in the text.

Generate Lorem Ipsum

Replaces text with Lorem Ipsum of the same length

Gothic Font Converter

Converts English text to Unicode Gothic 𝔣𝔬𝔫𝔱.

Heart Emoji Text Generator

Transforms text by adding alternating heart emojis between words. Includes all heart emoji variants for maximum love! 💝

Humanize ChatGPT Formatting

Fix ChatGPT formatting, make it more readable

Humanize ChatGPT or AI Text

Make AI text undetectable by rewriting text while preserving formatting; apply many times

Invert Character Case

Inverts the case of each character (uppercase becomes lowercase and vice versa).


Converts any JSON data to CSV format by flattening nested objects.

JSON to Human Text

Converts JSON data to human-readable text, flattening objects.


Converts JSON data to YAML format.

Markdown to HTML Converter

Convert Markdown formatting to HTML tags.

Minify JSON

Removes all whitespace from JSON

Normalize Phone Numbers

Converts various phone number formats into a standardized +XXX-XXX-XXXX format. Handles different regional formats.

Normalize Quotation Marks

Standardize quotation marks in text documents.

Numbers to Roman Numerals

Converts decimal numbers to Roman numerals

Numbers to Words

Converts numerical digits into their word equivalents (e.g., "123" becomes "one hundred twenty-three").

Paste Formatted Text to Markdown

Paste any formatted text and convert it to Markdown syntax. Works with text pasted from rich text editors, ChatGPT, Google Docs, etc.

Random Word Redaction

Transforms text by randomly redacting 20% of words using █████ symbols, giving it a look reminiscent of a censored NSA or CIA document.

Randomize List

Randomly shuffles the order of items in a list.

Remove Code Comments

Removes comments from various programming languages including Python, Java, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.

Remove Diacritics

Removes accents and diacritical marks from characters.

Remove Duplicate Lines

Removes repeated lines from text, keeping only the first occurrence. Works on both consecutive and non-consecutive duplicates.

Remove Duplicate Paragraphs

Removes repeated paragraphs from the text.

Remove Duplicate Words

Clean up repetitive phrasing.

Remove Emojis

Removes all emoji characters from text

Remove Extra Blank Lines

Reduces multiple empty lines to a single line break, making documents more compact and readable.

Remove HTML Tags

Removes all HTML markup tags while preserving the text content between them. Useful for extracting plain text from HTML documents.

Remove Line Numbers

Removes line numbers from the beginning of each line, restoring plain text format.

Remove Markdown Formatting

Removes Markdown formatting, leaving plain text with preserved line breaks.

Remove Punctuation

Removes all punctuation marks from the text.

Remove Special Characters

Removes special characters, control characters, and non-printable characters while preserving Unicode alphanumeric text, spaces, tabs, newlines, and carriage returns. Also converts escaped sequences like \n or \" to their proper characters.

Remove Stop Words

Removes common stop words (like "the", "and", "is") from the text.

Remove Vowels

Removes vowels from multiple languages including English, Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish, French, German, and Scandinavian.

Replace Multiple Spaces

Converts sequences of two or more spaces into a single space, creating consistent spacing throughout the text.

Replace Tabs with Spaces

Normalize indentation in code or formatted text.

Reverse List

Reverses the order of items in a list.

Reverse Text Generator

Mirrors the text by reversing the character order.

Roman Numerals to Numbers

Converts Roman numerals to decimal numbers

Snake Case to Camel Case

Refactor variable names or identifiers.

Sort Numbers

Extracts and sorts numbers from text, placing each on a new line. Handles both integers and decimals.

SRT Subtitles to Text

Converts .SRT subtitle files to plain text by removing timecodes and sequence numbers.

Text Clappifier

Adds 👏 clapping 👏 emoji 👏 between 👏 words

Text Encryption/Decryption

Encrypts text using simple ciphers like ROT13 or Caesar cipher, or decrypts text encoded with these methods.

Title Case

Converts text to title case following common capitalization rules.

Title Case (AP Style)

Converts text to title case following Associated Press style guidelines.

Trim Whitespaces

Removes leading and trailing spaces from each line while preserving content indentation.

Unescape Characters

Converts escaped characters (e.g. \n, \t, Unicode and octal escapes) into their actual representations for text in any language.

URL Encoder/Decoder

Encodes special characters in text for use in URLs or decodes URL-encoded text back to normal text.

View Non-Printable Unicode Characters

Convert non-printable Unicode characters to their hexadecimal representations

Whitespace Remover

Removes all types of whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, non-breaking spaces, etc.) and replaces them with a single space. Useful for cleaning up text with inconsistent spacing.

Word Frequency Counter

Counts and sorts words by frequency of occurrence

Words to Numbers

Converts spelled-out numbers back into numerical digits.


Converts YAML data to JSON format.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do I need to install any software or create an account to use this tool?

A: No. The Text Processing Toolkit runs entirely in your browser. You open the website and start using it without any registration or installation.

Is my text data secure?

A: Yes. All processing happens locally in your browser, so your text never leaves your device.

Can I chain multiple presets in a single step?

A: You generally apply one preset at a time. However, you can use the "Use as source" button on the "Converted Text" section, and then apply additional presets sequentially.

What if I need a preset that doesn't exist yet?

A: You can request a new preset by emailing text-processor@shir-man.com. The developers are open to adding more presets based on user feedback.

Are there any limitations on text size?

A: Because it runs in your browser, very large texts might slow down your computer, but there's no strict server-imposed limit.

How do I reset everything to start over?

A: Simply click the "Reset All" button. It clears both the "Source Text" and the "Converted Text" sections and removes any applied presets.

Why are there no settings for presets?

A: I designed the tool to be as simple as possible, which is why there are no additional settings for presets. If you experience any bugs or believe something is missing, please contact me.